
Showing posts with the label aging

Light Weights - The Key To Unlocking Your Potential

Though they may seem small and insignificant, lighter weights can often be the key to success. Using light weights can be a game-changer in your workout routine. Rather than focusing on how much weight you can lift, focus on using lighter weights that allow you to exercise for an extended period with less risk of injury. The benefits of incorporating light weights into your workout or walk are numerous. Here are six compelling reasons to use light weights and take your fitness to the next level. 1. Build Muscular Endurance Muscular endurance is the ability of your muscles to do things without getting tired. You can add 1-2 pound weights to your workout routine to improve your muscular endurance and get stronger. Woven Workout Weights are a great option because they help your muscles work harder and become stronger. With time, this can make your body stronger and better able to do everyday activities without getting tired. Improving your muscular endurance can help you feel less tired w...

Fitness, What's Holding You Back?

                                                                                     What's holding you back? Many things can get in the way of prioritizing our health, like lack of time, motivation, and know-how. I could go on and on, but you get it. To your credit, you have taken the first step and maybe even multiple steps towards better physical well-being. Congratulations to you! As we enter 2024, we want to help you keep moving toward your goals. Staying motivated and adding lightweight to your exercise are 2 ways to stay focused and achieve more! Motivation is essential. Here are 6 ways to get started and stay motivated. 1. Join a community that cares. This can help keep you connected and excited. We have created a Facebook Group to help people worldwide share t...

The Fountain of Youth and You

The Fountain of Youth and you - Author and Artist Sabatino Verlezza If the Fountain of Youth really did exist, someone surely would have found it by now. Explorers and adventurers have searched all over the world for thousands of years and nothing has sprung up. The famous myth suggests that if you drink from the elusive and mysterious fountain, you will forever retain your youthful vitality or stop aging altogether. For thousands of years, humans have sought to find, bathe in, and drink from this legendary and curative spring. As we all “get on” in years, staying young seems to be an inevitable quest. But maybe it doesn’t need to be. Perhaps, we don’t need to travel to far-away places, conjure up spirits, or mix questionable potions to sustain our youth. We may not need to find that special spring to put a spring in our step. The quest can end right now. In truth, the quest need not be quested at all. And to be clear, t here are no strings attached to this sudden course change. To fol...